General questions

How many homes are in the Hickory RIdge Neighborhood

Our beautiful Hickory Rige Neighborhood consists of 287 Homes

When was the Hickory Ridge Neighborhood first built?

The Hickory Ridge Neighborhood was built in 2003

Who is the HOA Managing Company?

The Hickory Ridge HOA Board partners with our community management company - SBB Management. Our SBB representative is Karl Fukuda and can be reached via email: k.fukuda@sbbmanagement.com or phone at (972) 960-2800

What school zone is allocated to the Hickory Ridge Community?

The Hickory Ridge Neighborhood is zoned for the following schools:

Ouida Springer Elementary School
Maurine Cain Middle School
Rockwall-Heath High School


How much are the current HOA dues?

Our current 2024 Hickory Ridge HOA dues are $151.80 quarterly.

Who do we contact for HOA queries?

Residents and Homeowners can contact our SBB Management representative Karl Fukuda directly at k.fukuda@sbbmanagement.com Residents and Homeowners are also welcome to contact the HOA Board directly at hoa@hickoryridgerockwall.com or submit a contact us form directly on the website.

Do we get to vote to make a difference?

Yes! We encourage all residents and homeowners to attend our HOA Board meetings and forums to voice opinions and concerns, as well as vote on important community matters.

How can we voice our concerns?

We encourage all residents and homeowners to attend our HOA Board meetings and forums to voice opinions and concerns. Alternatively, community members can reach out the the HOA Board directly at hoa@hickoryridgerockwall.com or log into their SBB Management Homeowner Portal and use the "Submit New Request" option.

We received a violation notice, Now what?

All contact information and "next steps" will be listed on each violation letter. For any additional queries or questions please reach out to Karl Fukuda from SBB Management directly at k.fukuda@sbbmanagement.com

Is the Community Pool only for HOA Members or is it a public pool?

The Hickory RIdge neighborhood pool is open to Hickory Ridge Residents Only. Pool Key Fobs are only activated for Residents that are up to date on their HOA dues and have no pool rule violations noted against them.

Do we have to pre-register to have access to the swimming pool?

There's a 2-step-registration process to register online for the swimming pool. You can complete your online registration at https://swimmingpoolpasses.net/rockwall-hickory-ridge/ or you could Submit an Online Request via the SBB Management Owner Portal. Residents who do not yet own a Pool Key Fob will be charged an additional Key Fob Amount, which will be added to their HOA Dues balance.

How do I get a new pool key fob?

Homeowners can follow one of two processes: 1. Submit an online request via the SBB Homeowner Portal or 2. Register via https://swimmingpoolpasses.net/rockwall-hickory-ridge/ In order to receive a Pool Fob, Homewoners will need to have an up-to-date HOA Dues Balance as well as a Valid Registered HIckory Ridge Pool Pass Account. New Pool Key Fobs will be charged an additional key fob amount, which will be added to HOA Dues Balances.

Who do we contact about pool complaints and issues?

Community members can reach out the the HOA Board directly at hoa@hickoryridgerockwall.com or log into their SBB Management Homeowner Portal and use the "Submit New Request" option.

I'm a Hickory Ridge EAST or Meadowcreek Resident, do I have access to the pool?

Unfortunately not, The Hickory Ridge EAST & Meadowcreek neighborhoods falls under a separate HOA Communities, therefore Hickory Ridge East or Meadowcreek residents do not have access to the Hickory Ridge Community Pool.